Deers (or bucks, whatever you like to call them), are always out there, threatening our gardens, yards and sometimes even the whole towns (in Dakota, e.g.). In reality, a hungry deer can be a real problem in your garden and landscape. They can devastate annual…
Day: January 11, 2017
What Do You Really Know About Ladybugs in Your Garden?
Loving insects and bugs may seem strange, for all of them but the charming ladybug bug… These Ladybugs are members of the beetle family. Legend has it that the name ladybug came from European farmers, during the middle ages, who were praying Virgin Mary during……
Pruning - the May Rule
Each season having its own special secrets, especially gardening-wise, it is important to be aware of what needs to be pruned and when. In truth, these are the questions we are asked from gardeners all the time. It can be confusing and even scary when…
Rain and your Garden
Is this whole gardening thingy new for you and you're just about to start making your inroads into the beautiful world of plants and flowers? So either new to gardening or maybe if just you could use a refresher course on planting before spring, here we go. Here's a hady list of 5 gardening basics to get you started on any garden project.